realised, you’re the one who has seen the real me
Even then
wrapped me up in your embrace night after night;
experienced my hand go under my pants
And have
been a mute spectator to come
And softened
the rotten smell of my blood
Every month
with your layered thickness;
You’ve been seldom
sprinkled with tears and
notes by the night
And milk by
the morning, (owing to the unaccountable handling
Of my cereal
bowl) also, gratitude spells.
You’ve saved
me from the outside world (read: people)
As I bundled
up in your arms, clothed or naked
moral policing.
I’ve unabashedly expressed my disdain
For your crimson
velvet fabric and electric print
Which also
acted as an insulator for the overheated laptop,
But sought
your aid for hibernation.
You’ve seen
me envision and dreamt
Along with
me with polarising feelings;
And above
all, I see you lying listlessly
For I don’t
bother to fold you every day
For I know
I’ll need you too soon
To pack away
would be a waste of time.
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