
Tuesday, 19 March 2013

Trust he

The silence pierces through me
Harder than the sharpest device
I know it's hard to glee

It happens what's meant to be
All what's causing your demise
I can very well see

Hold your own hand and be
The sun, not the vice
For it'll help you flee

Friday, 8 March 2013


When you close all doors
Even then
You enter another one
Where light can't find any crevice
Even then
Enter as flames
Turning you into ashes
Even by the gods
Dropping far...
Away from the eyelashes of time
Some die for it to happen
Others weep for its happening

Your existence
Was all in vain

Thursday, 7 March 2013

I want to retreat to my village

I want to retreat to my village
Where dawn and dusk are the moments you cherish
Not a reminder to fret.

I want to retreat to my village
Where the silence speaks to you
Where you get younger every day
Where you don't have to dress up
Where the horizon is always near
Where the buffalo gives you milk no matter how much you clubbed.

I want to retreat to village.